Writer and Editor

  • Freelance
  • USA

Website NA YSERP


I run one personal finance website, one digital marketing website and send out frequent guest posts. All of this needs writers and editors so I am looking for a few more.

While this is a freelance role, this is ongoing work.

I am looking for general writers and people to make edits to existing articles to make them relevant to that year or make specific changes based on a brief I will provide.

My content standards-

  • I avoid vague content like the plague and hate fluff.
  • Each piece should have screenshots or general images if nothing else, and be Grammarly checked.
  • Tone: Conversational, Clear, Professional, Straight To The Point, ZERO fluffy language.

From my end-

Pay would be sent as quickly as you want (after each article if that works for you) via PayPal. We would do a test article to start off with (paid).

Please include these things for me:

  • Please include how much experience you have as a freelance writer. It is fine if you don’t have much just include some samples to back yourself up in that case.
  • Please include links to your published content (not just word docs because there is no way I can confirm those are yours).
  • Please include your pay per word count in your pitch and include the word ‘cents’ in some way (even if that is just in the beginning or end) so I can make sure you are actually reading this.

If you have any questions, just let me know!

To apply for this job please visit problogger.com.

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